76 Extra Air-Conditioned Buses To Run In Brno This Summer

The buses will include 20 new air-conditioned buses to replace older models, as well as 56 existing buses with air-conditioning newly installed, which should be completed by the end of April. Photo credit: KK.

Brno, Apr 2 (BD) – The upgraded and new vehicles combined will mean that around half of the Brno Transport Company (DPMB) buses (136) will be air-conditioned. According to the company’s CEO Miloš Havránek: “The installation of air conditioning goes hand in hand with our efforts to increase the comfort of our passengers on public transport. That is why all the new vehicles we buy are equipped with air conditioning.”

DPMB began upgrading its Urbanway 12M buses last year, and the work should be finished in mid-April. Each bus costs around CZK 500,000 to upgrade, and the total cost of the project is around CZK 28 million, equivalent to the cost of four articulated buses.

In addition, air-conditioned trams will begin arriving at the end of the year as part of the “Tramvaj Pro Brno” [“Tram For Brno”] project.

Air-conditioning is activated by the driver when the temperature outside the bus exceeds 25 degrees celsius. Passengers are warned by notices not to open the windows, otherwise the air-conditioning will be ineffective.

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