City Police Releases List of Most Dangerous Locations in Brno for Dropped Syringes

The City Police (MP Brno) published the list on their Facebook page. Malinovského náměstí (Koliště Park) was revealed as the city’s dropped syringe hotspot. Photo credit: MP Brno.

Brno, Apr 18 (BD) – Last week, the city police published a full list of locations where police officers found used syringes in a clean-up effort that day.

Almost 40 police officers and 4 crime prevention assistants participated in the annual city-wide event “Jehla” [“Syringe”]. This year, members of the Archeo Moravia association joined the police with metal detectors

During the event Jehla this time, police officers gathered 115 application syringes across the city. Most of them were found in Koliště (26), Vídeňská (9), Nezamyslova (7) and Tkalcovská (6). Overall, since the beginning of this year, city police patrols have removed 1,275 needles from the streets of Brno.

According to the police, three were found in a playground on Hvězdová, though no other playgrounds were found to contain syringes. All items that were found have been removed.

Nearly 300 pieces were collected during “Jehla” last spring. This year’s decline is due, among other things, to the fact that on the previous weekend there was a cleaning event – “Let’s Clean the Czech Republic” – which was attended by hundreds of volunteers in Brno, including police officers in their free time. Another factor in the decline has been that the city police patrols collect the syringes regularly due to more often announcements from the citizens.

Top locations for used syringes in Brno:

  1. Malinovského nám. – 26
  2. Vídeňská – 9
  3. Nezamyslova – 7
  4. Tkalcovská – 6
  5. Gargulákova – 5

See the full list here.

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