Water Sensors for Trees in Cooperation with the City of Brno

The city aims to improve greenery by ensuring that the trees are well-watered, which will maximize the benefits given by trees, especially during extreme temperatures in the summer. Photo credit: Manuele Siciliano.

Brno, Jul 22 (BD) – Residents of Brno can now partake in efficiently watering the trees in the city. The City’s Public Greenery has implemented water sensors on the soil around the roots of various trees in the city, which will help with sustainable water management, by indicating whether or not a tree needs to be watered.

In cooperation with the City’s Public Greenery, experts from Mendel University will be monitoring the readings given by the sensors, which will allow them to measure soil temperature, moisture, and more. The data readings will be collected for research, to assess how different conditions affect the trees and soil.

Likewise, other water sensors were also implemented by the City’s Public Greenery in cooperation with a Brno-based project, Zalejme.cz. The project provides a map which can be seen on their official website, which residents can use to determine which trees need watering.

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