The popular career networking event for expats and bilingual job seekers in Brno and South Moravia will return after a one-year break due to the Covid-19 epidemic. Brno Daily spoke to Katerina Casadei, the main organizer of the event, about the upcoming job fair. Photo Credit: AC / Jobspin Job Fair, 2019.
Why do you think people should go to this job fair?
It is a very quick and straightforward way to meet recruiters and understand better their company culture and what employment opportunities they have to offer. Every company is different, every team is different. When candidates meet HR representatives and team leaders of departments that are hiring new staff, they can quickly work out whether it’s a “click” for them or if they should move on to the next stand and have a chat with another company.
What companies attend Jobspin Job Fairs?
99% of our clients are representatives of multinational corporations. Which is logical – we organize job fairs for expats and bilingual job seekers. The official language of the event is English, the same as at our clients’ workplaces. Candidates that come to the job fair usually seek job opportunities with companies that are open to job seekers from abroad and have an international company culture. This is especially important for candidates from non-EU countries – they need to know that their future employer will be willing and able to help them in their visa application process.

What kind of candidates usually come to Jobspin Job Fairs?
The focus is on people with higher education, or let’s say, with higher professional goals. The door is open to both graduates and skilled professionals.
In which sectors can I find opportunities at the fair?
Candidates can apply for jobs in IT, Accounting & Finance, R&D, Sales, Marketing, HR, Engineering, Logistics, Supply Chain, Customer Support, Administration, various positions with language skills, and others. I can also give you a few examples of employers who are attending – the main partners and employers at the Brno Jobspin Fair in October are Lufthansa InTouch and Infosys, and the longer list of companies who will be there includes many other important employers in the region, such as IBM, Honeywell, Zebra Technologies, Gardner Denver, Dixons Carphone, RWS Moravia and others. Their logos are regularly updated on the Brno Jobspin job fair website.

What did you do in 2020 when there were no physical events allowed?
We opted for the virtual environment, and organized two Jobspin Virtual Job Fairs. We have learned that a virtual event is not a simple substitution for a physical event, but they are rather two completely different things. Now we are glad that we will probably be able to go back to organizing normal, live events again. And I must say that our clients are happy too, the interest is much higher than in the “normal” years.

Do you plan any protective measures related to the Covid-19 epidemic for attendees?
We will definitely require the wearing of face masks, as the job fair takes place indoors. Our team will encourage people to use the hygiene station with sanitizing gel inside the venue. Depending on the current government anti-epidemic guidelines, we may also be checking QR codes at the entrance to see if attendees are vaccinated.
What do you need to do in order to participate?
It’s simple – fill in the registration form (which is also available on the Brno Jobspin Job Fair website), print out a few copies of your CV and show up at Trznice Brno on Zelny trh on October 9th. And, as always, the job fair is FREE to attend for all job seekers.
Brno Daily is media partner of the Jobspin Multilingual Job Fair.