Photo: KB / Brno Daily

Czech Republic Records Below EU Average Share of Childcare Workers

According to the EU Labour Force Survey, there were almost 2 million childcare workers and teachers’ aides employed in the European Union in 2020. They make up the largest share of the workforce in Denmark (3.3%), and the smallest in Slovenia (0.1%). In the Czech Republic the share is approximately 0.5%, around half the average for the EU as a whole. Photo Credit: KK / BD.

Czech Rep., Sep 7 (BD) –Education is an important part of every child’s life, with a crucial impact on their development. Childcare workers and teachers’ aides are significant professions in children’s development because they provide care and supervision, including family daycare workers, babysitters, nannies, out-of-school hours care workers, pre-school and teaching assistants.

Childcare workers and teachers’ aides in the EU, 2020. Credit: Eurostat.

According to the EU Labour Force Survey, there were almost 2 million childcare workers and teachers’ aides employed in the European Union in 2020, a similar number to 2019. The majority of childcare workers and teachers’ aides were women (93%).

The age of these workers was fairly evenly split, with just over a third (35%) in the ‘35-49 years’ and ‘50 years and above’ age groups, and a further 31% in the ‘15-34 years’ age group. 

Childcare workers and teachers’ aides, 2020. Credit: Eurostat.

The share of childcare workers and teachers’ aides as a percentage of the total employed population was 1.0% in the EU in 2020. Denmark has the highest share of childcare and teachers’ aides with (3.3%), followed by France and Ireland (both 2.3%) and Portugal (2.2%).

On the other hand, 15 out of 27 EU Member States had 1% or less of the total employed population working as childcare workers and teachers’ aides. The lowest share was seen in Slovenia with 0.1%, closely followed by Italy (0.2%), Romania (0.3%) and Greece (0.4%).

The Czech Republic recorded a rate of approximately 0.5%. It is one of the lowest shares of childcare workers and teachers’ aides. 

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