Bohemia Energy Goes Bankrupt, Leaving Almost One Million Czech Customers Without A Supplier

Bohemia Energy, the largest alternative electricity supplier in the Czech Republic, has gone bankrupt, linked to the continuing increase in the prices of electricity and gas in the wholesale market. Credit: Freepik.

Czech Rep., Oct 13 (BD) – The continuing increase in the price of electricity has triggered the bankruptcy of Bohemia Energy, the largest alternative electricity and gas supplier in the Czech Republic. Wholesale electricity and gas prices have recently risen to record levels, which has impacted suppliers as well as consumers.

Bohemia Energy’s website states that the prices of raw materials of electricity and gas have tripled compared to last year, leading to the closure of the supplier, not only in the Czech Republic but also the company’s Slovakian branch, Slovakia Energy.

“It was the most difficult decision we have had to make. We founded Bohemia Energy more than 15 years ago and our mission has always been to be a reliable and profitable energy supplier. The trust of over a million customers has been an enormous effort and kept us going to provide the best possible service,” said Jiří Písařík, owner of Bohemia Energy group.

Bohemia Energy’s priority now is to ensure that its customers switch to a new supplier. In the meantime, supply to the company’s customers will be guaranteed by the so-called “supplier of last resort” (Dodavatel poslední instance) for the next six months, as required by law.

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