Reduction Reported In Number of Debtors, Though Figures Are Disputed

Compared to last year, there has been a decrease in the number of debtors in the Czech Republic, but NGOs disagree. Credit: Freepik.

Czech Rep, Nov 1 (BD) – The Chamber of Bailiffs reports a decrease in the number of debtors, about 8,000 fewer than last year. Another positive result was the decrease in the number of underage debtors. Nonetheless, some non-governmental organizations like the Institute For Prevention and Solution of Indebtedness (IPŘP) disagree, complaining about the lack of statistical data in this area.

According to the Chamber of Bailiffs, the figures are very positive, especially considering the expected increase in the number of debtors due to anti-crime measures and increased monitoring.

“Fortunately, these scenarios did not come true,” said Jan Mlynarčík, President of the Czech Chamber of Bailiffs. “Instead we have about 8,000 fewer debtors, which is certainly good news. The number of debt collections itself has slightly increased, but this was to be expected due to all the government and self-regulatory measures.”

In addition, according to Mlynarčík, the number of underage debtors has also decreased by a quarter compared to last year. “This is a very positive trend due to the pressure of public opinion on the creditors who carried out these collections, the jurisprudence on the matter and, last but not least, the recent long-awaited amendment of the civil code. Whatever the reason, it is clear that collections against minors have dropped relatively quickly. The 23% drop is undoubtedly proof that the situation is starting to move in the right direction,” he said.

However, this apparently positive scenario is disputed by the IPŘP, an NGO, which stated in an article last week that the published data has not been updated for more than a year.

“It is not yet possible to actually read from the available data whether year-to-year variations in the number of new debt collections initiated also affect the number of new debtors or the growth in actions against existing debtors,” commented Radek Hábl, the head of the IPŘP.

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