Brno Daily switched roles and interviewed Oumaima Boussouab, the host and creator of the DTSE Talks podcast. Oumaima’s award-winning podcast is a part of Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (DTSE) efforts to encourage their employees to pursue their passions and share best practice with each other and even outside of the company.
DTSE Talks is a new, information-packed series of 40-minute interviews with guests from DTSE and the Deutsche Telekom universe, which are aired every month with the aim of showing the company’s business life and culture. Oumaima, who works at Brno’s DTSE branch, has created a podcast dedicated to the most recent issues in the current business environment. The topic list chosen by the DTSE employees includes leadership in pandemic times, the future of jobs, artificial intelligence and many others. “If I had to choose one episode to recommend, it would be the Inclusion episode, and a close second would be the Mental Health episode. What I’m really eager to cover in the upcoming episodes is women leading across cultures. Since I’m a young expat woman, this topic hits close to home!” says Oumaima.

Inclusion In Action
In the March episode “Inclusion In Action!”, Oumaima’s guest Sandra Windgätter, from VP Sovereign Civil Servants Services at Deutsche Telekom, discusses the importance of having an inclusive culture and shares tips for improving inclusion and making sure different types of people are represented in an organisation. Windgätter talks about possible ways of increasing inclusion at DTSE, and various types of diversity and discrimination. She mentions an example of offering a “simple language” besides text and audio versions for visually impaired people on DTSE’s German website. The simple language refers to the concept of linguastic discrimination based on characteristics of speech, including perceived size of vocabulary (whether the speaker uses complex and varied words), modality, and syntax. “When you are open to learning, you are already inclusive,” says Windgätter.

“The goal of this podcast is to share our business life in our key strategic fields and culture and share my view on life in Magenta. It’s also an opportunity for exchange and best practice sharing with the world, because as our motto says “Life is for Sharing”. Therefore, it’s my personal goal to share in a relaxed and friendly way what we’re most passionate about in DTSE, also learn from others and eventually create a platform of open exchange and learning,” Oumaima says.
Helping Myself and Others Through Podcasting
“I really feel a need to help people around me, so in a way hosting the podcast helps me achieve this goal in my daily life! It also gives me the opportunity to challenge myself and explore my horizons. I’m still a podcaster in the making, but I learn from mistakes and I say “Come what May”, concludes Oumaima with a smile. In fact, the upcoming episode is about Emotional Intelligence, a topic that helps tremendously with both professional and personal relationships and which she’s eager to share with her audience as she learned so much during her research and recording.

Her podcast “DTSE Talks” won the #InnovationZone prize in 2020, a DTSE internal program that engages employees to realise their own innovative ideas, by giving the time, budget and support needed to #GetThingsDone. The series kicked off last August with an episode set in Brno.

About the podcast author: Oumaima Boussouab is a Moroccan industrial and logistics engineer who “left everything behind and moved to Czech Republic to start a new journey”. She started in the Strategy & Business Development team at DTSE, and has been involved in events, workshops and trainings. Today, Oumaima works with the communication team because as she says “I thrive better when it comes to creative and/or people related topics and I try to share my positive vibes whenever and however I can.”