Free Birthmark Checking Service Returns To Náměstí Svobody Next Week

All interested citizens may be subjected to the so-called Skinchecker, examined under the supervision of qualified experts. Photo credit:

Brno, Apr 27 (BD) – The Skinchecker birthmark examination tent, operated by the Chytra Lekarna pharmacy network, returns to Náměstí Svobody next week after a year. 

Brno residents can have their birthmarks examined by expert dermatologists free of charge and without an appointment on Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 May, from 9am to 5pm. The doctors will check for melanomas, the 7th most common cancer in the Czech Republic, and give out free information and advice on preventing the condition. 

According to Dr. Katarína Hrivňáková, general manager of the Chytra Lekarna network, people significantly neglected prevention during the pandemic: “A year ago, we took 52 samples from visitors, and found 8 melanomas, 14 basal cell carcinomas and 30 other high-risk skin lesions, while during the last pre-covid mole examination, we detected 4 melanomas and 17 basal cell carcinomas.” She added that nearly 1,000 people had their birthmarks examined at last year’s event.

The examination itself, which doctors advise should take place at least once a year, lasts only a few minutes and is very simple to carry out, because an experienced dermatologist can identify any problems with just the eye. Statistics show that if skin cancer is caught early, up to 90% of all melanomas are treatable. 

However, it is the 7th most common cancer in the Czech Republic, being diagnosed in approximately 2,600 people each year. Melanoma can affect people of any age, origin, gender, or skin colour, but people with fair skin phototypes and people over the age of 50 are at higher risk. The main trigger for the development of melanoma is exposure to UV rays.

“For this reason our experts will also give advice to people based on their skin phototype so that they know how to behave in the sun,” said Hrivňáková. “We have known for many years that insufficient protection from sunlight clearly increases the risk of skin cancer, but sadly we still observe that people still do not perceive the use of a UV protective factor as a necessary part of their daily routine throughout the year.”

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