credit: Jan Krkoska, via Facebook

Moravia-Silesia Regional Governor Krkoska Resigns After Bribery Conviction

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Moravia-Silesia Regional Governor Jan Krkoska (ANO) has resigned from his post and from the regional assembly, in reaction to today’s court verdict that found him guilty of participating in an organised criminal group in a bribery case, the region’s spokeswoman announced.

Krkoska will also resign as a member of ANO, he said in a statement for the media.

A Prague district court today sentenced Krkoska to a fine of CZK 200,000 in a 12-year-old case of pharmaceutical firms bribing doctors, and found him guilty of participating in an organised criminal group, a crime punishable by up to ten years in prison.

However, the court took into account the time that had passed since the crime, Krkoska’s confession, and his current way of life. The verdict is not final, as both parties have taken time to consider an appeal.

“In response to today’s court decision, the governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Jan Krkoska, has resigned from his post. At the same time, he steps down as a member of the Moravian-Silesian Regional Assembly,” said regional spokeswoman Nikola Birklenova in a written statement to the media.

“After today’s court decision and careful consideration of all the circumstances, I decided to resign as governor and representative of the Moravian-Silesian Region,” Krkoska wrote. “At the same time, I am leaving the ANO movement. Today’s court hearing concerned a 12-year-old matter and has nothing to do with my current political activity. However, I do not want the case to cast a bad light on the ANO movement and the Moravian-Silesian Region. I have great respect for the work of the people around me and I will not allow it to be devalued by what is happening around me. I will now devote myself fully to clearing my name and will withdraw from the public sphere.” 

The leaders of the regional coalition, composed of ANO, the Civic Democrats (ODS), Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL), TOP 09 and the Social Democrats (SOCDEM) will debate further steps at the Regional Office on Friday.

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